The Strategy Behind The Pentagon’s Bold Remote Work Pivot

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Dr. Gleb Tsipursky
Dr. Gleb Tsipursky
Dr. Gleb Tsipursky helps tech and finance industry executives seize competitive advantage in hybrid work by driving employee retention, collaboration, and innovation through behavioral science as the CEO of the future-of-work consultancy Disaster Avoidance Experts, and authored the best-seller Leading Hybrid and Remote Teams: A Manual on Benchmarking to Best Practices for Competitive Advantage. His expertise comes from over 20 years of consulting for Fortune 500 companies from Aflac to Xerox and over 15 years in academia as a cognitive scientist at UNC-Chapel Hill and Ohio State.

The DoD updated its telework policy, balancing flexibility with security — aiming to boost retention and compete for talent amid political pressure to reduce remote work.

  • The Department of Defense has updated its telework policy to allow greater flexibility and attract top talent, reflecting adaptations to post-pandemic workplace norms and a push to maintain operational efficiency and national security interests.
  • Data from the Office of Personnel Management indicates that telework/remote work options are a key factor in attracting and retaining federal employees, with higher retention rates among those who telework more frequently.
  • The DoD’s policy carefully balances the necessity for security with the advantages of telework, aiming for a future-ready, inclusive, and dynamic federal workforce amid a backdrop of political pressure to increase in-office presence.

Originally published in .

In an era defined by rapid technological advancements and shifting work paradigms, the Department of Defense (DoD) stands at the forefront of a significant transformation within the federal landscape. This transformation, deeply rooted in the embrace of remote work and telework, is unfolding against a backdrop of political debates and bureaucratic challenges, marking a pivotal moment in the evolution of workplace cultures within federal agencies.

The discourse surrounding telework in the federal domain has been notably politically charged. The recent letter from House Oversight Chairman James Comer, R-KY, to the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) illustrates this tense discourse. Comer’s letter highlights concerns regarding the public’s perception of federal employees not following the directives to spend more time in the office. He demanded “a status report on all agency plans to increase in-person work, to include an implementation timeline and an explanation of any obstacles that have impeded such efforts.”

Responding to pressure from Republicans, the Biden administration, through figures such as White House Chief of Staff Jeff Zients, has flip-flopped from its former tolerance for telework as a tool for retention and recruitment of federal staff. Instead, it increasingly actively advocates for a recalibration of federal work environments towards more in-person engagement. Zients, for instance, recently sent an email to agency heads, urging them to develop and monitor concrete plans to increase office presence.

Focus on Flexibility

Amidst these broader conversations, the DoD’s recent update to its telework policy emerges as a beacon of progressive thought and adaptability — surprising for an agency perceived as conservative and traditionalist. This policy revision, the first since 2012, is a testament to the DoD’s commitment to learning from the pandemic-induced shifts in work norms and integrating those lessons into a forward-looking approach to workplace flexibility.

By clearly distinguishing between telework and remote work, the DoD has laid down a framework that offers flexibility while maintaining a clear focus on the exigencies of its mission-critical functions.

The essence of the DoD’s policy is its permissive nature, which actively encourages components within the Department to promote telework and remote work.

This approach is not merely about offering flexibility for flexibility’s sake but is a strategic move aimed at enhancing the DoD’s operational efficiency, recruitment capabilities, and employee retention. The policy’s emphasis on education and training to mitigate barriers to effective telework implementation further highlights the Department’s proactive stance in building a resilient and adaptable workforce equipped to meet the demands of the future.

The strategic ramifications of this policy extend well beyond the realm of employee satisfaction or work-life balance. By facilitating telework and remote work, the DoD is positioning itself as an attractive employer in a competitive global talent market, particularly in specialized fields where the Department has historically vied with the private sector for top talent. This is especially pertinent in areas like cybersecurity, where the DoD’s ability to attract and retain skilled professionals is critical to national security. The policy’s focus on leveraging telework to offer career opportunities to military spouses, increase accessibility for persons with disabilities, and retain employees with specialized skills underscores a holistic approach to workforce development that is both inclusive and strategic.

Proven Methods

The DoD’s policies stem from clear data, for instance in the annual report by the Office of Personnel Management on telework within the federal sector. Federal agency leaders advocate for telework primarily because 62% of them view it as a crucial strategy for attracting talent. In today’s work environment, the federal workforce places a high value on flexibility, often prioritizing it over traditional benefits.

Moreover, telework significantly impacts the retention of federal employees. Those who telework regularly, ranging from full-time to three days each pay period, demonstrate a strong desire to remain in their positions, with a retention rate of 68%. This is in stark contrast to individuals who telework less frequently, such as one or two days per pay period, where the retention rate drops to 61%. The difference becomes even more pronounced among employees who do not telework at all, with their retention rate falling to 53%.

Moreover, the DoD’s nuanced approach to security, stipulating that telework eligibility is contingent upon the nature of the employee’s interaction with classified information, illustrates the DoD’s pragmatic balance between operational security and the flexibility offered by remote work. This delicate balance is crucial in maintaining the integrity of the Department’s operations while adapting to the changing landscape of work.

By strategically embracing the potential of telework and remote work, the DoD is not just addressing the immediate needs and expectations of its workforce but is also laying the groundwork for a more dynamic, inclusive, and efficient federal workforce. This move signals a broader recognition within the federal domain of the need to adapt to changing work paradigms, a recognition that will undoubtedly shape the future of work in the public sector. As we move forward, the adaptability, foresight, and strategic intent demonstrated by the DoD will serve as a guiding light for other agencies navigating the complex interplay between evolving work norms, mission imperatives, and public expectations.

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