3 Pivotal Ways To Foster Workplace Connections

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Emma Ascott
Emma Ascott
Emma Ascott is a contributing writer for Allwork.Space based in Phoenix, Arizona. She graduated from Walter Cronkite at Arizona State University with a bachelor’s degree in journalism and mass communication in 2021. Emma has written about a multitude of topics, such as the future of work, politics, social justice, money, tech, government meetings, breaking news and healthcare.

Jamie Hodari, CEO and co-founder of coworking space Industrious, shares three actionable steps to build a sense of community in the workplace with Allwork.Space.

This article was originally published by Allwork.Space.

In today’s fast-paced and competitive business environment, fostering a positive workplace culture and sense of community has become a crucial aspect of employee retention and overall company success. A strong community spirit can lead to increased job satisfaction, collaboration, and productivity among team members.

In a recent episode of Allwork.Space’s Future of Work podcast, Industrious CEO and Co-Founder Jamie Hodari shared his insights on how to build a sense of community in the workplace.

Building a vibrant and inviting community that will not only improve workplace culture but also boost employee retention is no easy feat. Through his experiences leading the coworking company Industrious, he has developed practical strategies that can be implemented in any workplace — regardless of size or industry.

Here are three actionable steps for creating a sense of community in your workplace. By implementing these strategies, he advised, you can help support the well-being and success of both your employees and your business.

1. Assess your current workplace culture

Building a sense of community in the workplace is essential for promoting employee satisfaction, engagement, and productivity. Assessing your current workplace culture is a crucial first step in this process, as it helps determine the strengths and weaknesses of your organization’s social environment. A thorough assessment involves examining the company’s mission, values, policies, communication styles, and employee relationships.

Additionally, understanding employees’ needs, preferences, and expectations is essential for shaping a conducive environment that fosters a collaborative and positive atmosphere. Hodari emphasized the importance of using technology, such as AI, to improve the workplace experience and deliver better customer service. AI can assist in anticipating customer needs, segmenting users, and providing personalized service — helping coworking providers stay attuned to the evolving needs of their members.

By leveraging AI and data-driven insights, organizations are better positioned to respond to member preferences, ensure optimal utilization of the space, and create a more personalized and effective service. Assessing and enhancing workplace culture is vital for organizations, as it directly impacts employee satisfaction, engagement, and productivity. A positive and inclusive environment not only benefits employees but also contributes to better customer experiences and retention.

Technology, such as AI, can serve as a valuable enabler in this process, providing the insights needed to create more tailored and responsive workplace solutions that cater to the diverse needs and preferences of the workforce. Ultimately, establishing a strong workplace community lays the foundation for success, ensuring that employees feel supported, motivated, and valued — all of which are essential components of a thriving organization.

2. Encourage open communication and feedback

Creating a sense of community within the workplace is an essential aspect of boosting employee morale, engagement, and retention. Encouraging open communication and feedback among team members fosters an environment where employees feel connected, supported, and heard. By actively promoting the free flow of ideas and opinions, you can help to create a culture that values collaboration, honesty, and shared success. This, in turn, reinforces employees’ sense of belonging and instills a greater sense of loyalty and motivation within the team.

Hodari emphasized the importance of providing subtle yet proactive opportunities for connections between diverse individuals. By catering to various preferences and personalities, and prioritizing human touch and personal bonds, Industrious has successfully fostered a strong sense of community within its premium coworking locations.

Hodari also highlighted the importance of technology, and in particular AI, in enhancing customer service in the workplace, by anticipating individuals’ needs and preferences based on their behavioral data. This personalized, data-driven approach enhances the overall experience of employees and members, further supporting the sense of community within the space.

Open communication can effectively create a positive and inclusive environment that employees are proud to be a part of.

Moreover, as revealed by Hodari’s insights, leveraging technology and data can further enhance community-building efforts, offering personalized experiences that cater to different personalities and preferences within the workplace. By prioritizing community-building, you can create a workplace where employees genuinely feel empowered to grow both personally and professionally.

3. Provide opportunities for team building

As the lines between our work and personal lives continue to blur, creating a space where employees feel connected and engaged seriously helps to boost retention. One way to achieve this is by providing opportunities for team-building that encourage employees to make meaningful connections, share experiences and develop a sense of camaraderie among colleagues.

This can be achieved through workplace events and activities that are both fun and purpose-driven, giving team members the chance to bond and grow together in a supportive and inclusive environment.

According to Hodari, Industrious prioritizes creating joint venture partnerships with landlords to enhance the overall building experience and provide numerous options for fostering social connections. To ensure that both introverts and extroverts feel comfortable, they offer a variety of subtle and non-coercive opportunities for interaction, striking a delicate balance between providing employees with a space to make meaningful connections while respecting the differing needs and preferences of individuals.

Incorporating such team-building activities and opportunities for connection within the workplace is vital for the well-being and success of employees. When individuals feel that they belong to a supportive and engaged community, they are more likely to feel a sense of trust and loyalty towards the organization, resulting in increased motivation and dedication.

Furthermore, a strong sense of community within a workplace has the added benefit of driving collaboration and innovation, as employees feel more comfortable sharing ideas and taking risks when they are surrounded by a supportive network. Ultimately, investing in creating a sense of community serves not only the best interests of employees but also contributes to the overall growth and success of an organization.

Keep in mind that assessing your current workplace culture, encouraging open communication and feedback, and providing opportunities for team building are just a few examples of essential strategies to achieve your desired goal.

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