DEI Should be the Cornerstone of Your Workplace Strategy

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Hassan Shaikh
Hassan Shaikh
Hassan Shaikh is a South African born workplace strategist currently based in Germany at Boehringer Ingelheim and part of the Global Real Estate and Facilities (GFE) team serving as Senior Manager Workplace Strategy. He is a PhD candidate pursuing a Doctorate in Design through the University of Hertfordshire (UK), with research emphasis on developing a new workplace model advancing diversity, equity & inclusion (DEI). This research is aligned to the greater “Future of Work” initiatives for global workplace strategy progression.

Hassan Shaikh explores why DEI is crucial to the workplace strategy of any modern organization. 

Let’s face it, the global workplace landscape has changed dramatically over the past few decades. Gone are the days when offices were filled with homogeneous teams, where everyone looked and thought alike. Today, the most successful companies understand the importance of diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) in their workplace strategy. But why is this trio of principles so crucial, and why should they be the cornerstone of any modern organisation? Let’s dive in and find out.


First and foremost, diversity brings fresh perspectives to the table. When you have a diverse group of individuals with different backgrounds, experiences, and viewpoints, you open up a world of new ideas and innovative solutions. Imagine a team brainstorming session where everyone has similar backgrounds and perspectives. The chances of generating game changing ideas in such an environment are slim. On the other hand, when you bring together people with diverse backgrounds, each person brings their unique insights and experiences, resulting in a mosaic of creativity and innovation. A study conducted by McKinsey & Company also found that companies with diverse executive teams were more likely to outperform their peers in terms of financial performance.


Furthermore, diversity is not just about race or gender; it encompasses a broad range of dimensions, including age, ethnicity, sexual orientation, physical abilities, and more. By embracing diversity in all its forms, organisations create an inclusive environment where everyone feels valued and respected. This sense of belonging leads to higher employee engagement, morale, and productivity. When employees feel that their voices are heard and that their differences are celebrated, they are more likely to go the extra mile and contribute their best to the organisation’s success.



Equity is another vital aspect of workplace strategy that goes hand in hand with diversity. While diversity focuses on representation, equity ensures fair treatment and equal opportunities for all employees. It means recognising and addressing the systemic barriers that some individuals face based on their backgrounds. For instance, pay gaps, promotion biases, and lack of accessibility can hinder the professional growth and development of certain groups. By actively striving for equity, organisations leaders level the playing field and provide a platform for all employees to thrive based on their merits and capabilities, rather than their demographic identities.


Inclusion completes the trinity by creating an environment where everyone feels welcome and empowered to contribute fully. In an inclusive workplace, people are encouraged to bring their whole selves to work, without fear of judgment or exclusion. This means embracing different communication styles, accommodating diverse needs, and fostering a culture of respect and collaboration. When employees feel included, they are more likely to contribute diverse perspectives, challenge the status quo, and bring about positive change within the organisation.

Apart from the ethical and moral imperative of promoting DEI, there are also tangible benefits for businesses that prioritise these principles. Companies with diverse workforces are more adaptable and resilient in the face of challenges. Different perspectives help identify risks and opportunities that might otherwise go unnoticed. Studies have consistently shown that diverse teams make better decisions and achieve superior business outcomes. Diversity also enhances a company’s reputation, making it more attractive to customers, partners, and top talent in the job market.

By ignoring diversity, companies risk falling behind their competitors and losing touch with the evolving needs of the marketplace.

Moreover, in today’s globalised world, diversity is not just a nice-to-have; it’s a necessity. Companies that understand and embrace the diversity of their customer base can better cater to their needs and preferences. A diverse workforce can help organisations tap into new markets, bridge cultural gaps, and foster innovation that resonates with a broad range of consumers. By ignoring diversity, companies risk falling behind their competitors and losing touch with the evolving needs of the marketplace.

DEI and Workplace Strategy

So, how can organisations incorporate DEI principles into their workplace strategies? It starts with leadership commitment and accountability. The tone should be set from the top, with executives championing diversity, modeling inclusive behaviours, and holding themselves and others accountable for progress. Building diverse talent pipelines, implementing unbiased recruitment and promotion processes, and providing diversity training are essential steps in creating an inclusive workplace. The same goes for the physical environments that organisations create for their people. A universal design approach, with a good understanding of all personas, allows organisation to create spaces to accommodate anyone with little or no adjustments to the space. This further enhances the value that office space plays for diverse organisations and can really drive a culture of oneness.

It’s also crucial to foster a culture of psychological safety, where employees feel comfortable expressing their opinions and ideas. Encouraging open dialogue, embracing constructive feedback, and creating employee resource groups can contribute to a more inclusive and supportive environment. Finally, there should always be regular assessment of progress, tracking of key metrics, and adjustments made as needed to ensure that DEI efforts are relevant, effective, and sustainable.


In conclusion, diversity, equity, and inclusion are not just buzzwords. They are essential components of a successful workplace strategy. By embracing diversity, ensuring equity, and fostering inclusion, organisations can unlock the full potential of their employees, drive innovation, and create a competitive advantage. More than ever, in today’s interconnected world, global organisations that make DEI a priority are better positioned for long-term success and growth. So, let’s celebrate our differences, break down barriers, and build workplaces that reflect and embrace the rich tapestry of a global and united humanity.

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